Impact Assessment

After 10 years of network activities MANUNET has looked back to its performance, analysing the coordination of the network and the impact that its calls have had in the RTD community.

The result of the analysis not only has shown the general success of the network, but also has identified barriers for further success. If you want to read more about it please download the Impact Assessment report.

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Quotes of national/regional funding agencies

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Basque Government

Manufacturing is still a critical sector for the Basque Country, a high contributor to GDP, a large employing sector and is vital for R&D activities. The Basque RIS3 shows that advanced manufacturing is one of Basque strengths. Most manufacturing SMEs require assistance in product diversi cation, process improvement, so R&D is a must. The Basque Government has implemented speci c programmes to support companies in these elds and has been leading the Manunet initiative from the very beginning. Manunet has proven to be a very effective initiative helping Basque SMEs collaborate in R&D and maximize their potential for competitive feasibility and future growth. Basque GovernmentMinistry for economic Development and Competitiveness


RANNIS was approached by an Icelandic company who was looking for the opportunity to join a project within Manunet. This company had high expectations to work in partnership with other organisations in Europe. RANNIS took this request to further examination and after looking carefully at the goal and structure of Manunet, it was decided to apply for membership. RANNIS has been partner for one year and we feel that the decision to participate was a good one for partnering up with other agencies in Europe on this very important topic. RANNISThe Icelandic Centre for Research


Manunet provided IDEPA the opportunity to actively promote international R&D projects in the eld of manufacturing, a field that eventually became a priority for our Smart Specialisation Strategy. Being associated partner, we concentrated our efforts in testing funding instruments, and we nally created a specific regional funding programme addressed to ERA-NET schemes. Asturias, a one million population spanish region, supported 12 international R&D projects on Smart Manufacturing along these four years of participation, mobilising more than 2 M€. IDEPAEconomic Development Agency of the Principality of Asturias

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