Project description and objectives

MANUNET supports innovation-driven, close-to-market research and development projects in manufacturing. It aims to encourage cross-border value chains that emerge from advancing technologies. During every first quarter of every new year, MANUNET opens a call for proposals to co-fund manufacturing research projects by preferably small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and their strategic partners. Any short-term projects with small-medium consortia are expected. Funding is dependent on national and regional programmes. More than a decade of yearly calls has proven MANUNET as an ideal complementary programme halfway between Horizon 2020 and the national/regional funding programmes.

Projects should clearly demonstrate the following attributes:

  • transnational collaborative research & development with a significant degree of innovation and scientific and technical risk;
  • a strong participation of SMEs;
  • market orientation;
  • application and practical use of manufacturing technologies;
  • expertise of project partners in their respective fields of competence;
  • added value through transnational cooperation;
  • scale of impact and market positioning of the applicant.

The MANUNET project is active for 5 years to facilitate the development of new value chains by setting up geographical poles of activity across Italy, Belgium, Luxemburg, Germany, Norway, Romania, Turkey, Israel, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Russia. 24 national/regional funding programmes participate in MANUNET Initiative. To know more, contact your local MANUNET advisory Partner.

Download leaflet.

Upcoming Events

January 2017