The proposed project is focused on the manufacturing of a new advanced, market oriented product, an activated and long term antibacterial protected dental implant, by integrated technologies, which starts with a new titanium bioalloy (Ti-Zr) synthesis and thermo-mechanical processing, the machining for the implant obtaining, electrochemical surface activation and long term antibacterial coating. The originality and innovation of the proposed project consists in the combined approach of the three most recent research tendencies in the dental implants field, referring to new biomaterials with non-toxic elements, oxidized bio-activated surfaces and antibacterial coatings. The project outcome is a new dental implant with non-toxic and non-allergic properties, good mechanical, bioactive and ossteointegration characteristics and long term antibacterial activity, compared with the short time antibacterial resistance given by the antimicrobial coatings in use on commercial scale. The project has an original approach regarding the obtaining and characterization methods.
Project Results:
- Design of new bioalloy composition.
- Laboratory technology for bioalloy synthesis.
- Characterization of the as-cast bioalloy.
- Corrosion resistance of the as-cast bioalloy in physiological solutions.
- Laboratory technology for bioalloy thermo-mechanical processing.
- Machining technology of implant.
- Laboratory technology of electrochemical activation of the bioalloy surface.
- Corrosion resistance of the bioalloy after electrochemical activation.
- Characterization of the electrochemical activated surface.
- Composition of the antibacterial coating resistant for long term.
- Sonochemical method for antibacterial protection resistant for long term.
- Characterization of the deposition and verification of coating quality by modern methods.
- In vitro biocompatibility of the as-cast and protected alloy.
- Test lot of dental implant.
- Test lot of the electrochemical and antibacterial dental implant.
- Technico-economical analysis concerning the implementation of the project results.
- 1 patent proposal.
- 3 scientific articles in ISI journals.
- 6 scientific communications.