Compact Multitasking Measuring Machine for agile implementation of Zero Defect Manufacturing into automotive supply chain
CoM3 project aim to realize a completely new and innovative Compact Multitasking Measuring Machine for bench use intended for quality control into automotive subsuppliers of metal components. According to principle of multitasking, the CoM3 prototype will be able to perform different checks and measurements all-in-one thanks to integration of different technologies that in actual market panorama are only partially available and just in form of stand-alone control machines. As result, limited cycle times and high quality standards will be guaranteed allowing the agile implementation of Zero Defect Manufacturing strategy. The integration will involve multiple optical technologies together with already standardized contact measure control systems, so that in addition to measurement of all internal and external dimensional characteristics also optical check of functional features like residual machining burrs will be performed in parallel. Such additional capability will represent an evolution in respect to current state of the art and it will be the result of R&D activity planned in the project in order to meet new automotive requirements in terms of technical cleanliness (ISO 16232)