Nowadays severe periodontal disease is found in 15–20% of middle-aged adults. Local application of antiseptics and antibiotics has been advocated for the treatment of localized periodontitis lesions with modest improvements in probing-depth reductions. The levels of inorganic ions (Na,K,Ca,Mg) in saliva of periodontitis patients is a potential periodontal marker by their correlation with periodontal parameters but not always their values were conclusive. We propose a clinical device based on sensors technology able to determine the level of such electrolytes directly in the periodontal pocket which we expect to offer an improved evaluation of ions level and further correlation with periodontal disease evolution. Also we propose a new biocompatible matrix: melatonin, hyaluronic acid and antibiotic for insertion in the periodontal pockets. As result is possible to foreseen more effective methods for periodontitis treatment and prevention. HAMELDENT project scope is to develop: a new material for topical treatment of the periodontal disease and a clinical device able to determine the level of inorganic ions from periodontal pocket as quick assessment tool of the periodontal disease.