Cloud-based Maintenance IIoT Platform for Smart Manufacturing

Romania Norway

The main objective of CM4Smart is to perform research, development, simulation and production implementation of smart manufacturing maintenance solution based on cloud technologies. The result of the project will enable digital transformation of the production in the direction of smart maintenance and new data-driven production efficiency models for the SME sector. Following the key Industry 4.0 design principles, the project will aim to inter-connect business-level software systems with operational data from the field thus aligning production schedules with maintenance activities. Innovative machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance will analyse data, identify hidden insights and propose both preventive and optimisation actions before machine failures take place thus aiming at zero downtime, zero defected manufacturing and greener enterprise. The project will combine deep IIoT technology understanding and project experience from the leading partner ICN-Interconsult Norway, strong R&D capacity from NTNU (Norway) and practical knowledge and real manufacturing challenges coming from two production enterprises – ICPE (Romania) and HTS Maskinteknikk (Norway).

Upcoming Events

January 2017